
Workload of Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory

No. of tests in 2014    -    7,10,109

                           2015    -   7,12,452

Clinical Services provided by the Emergency Laboratory :

Investigations :    ABG + Electrolytes, Serum Electrolytes, BUN, Creatinine, RBS, Bilirubin and                                           Amylase

Total Workload  :   No. of Tests   in 2014  -    2,62,587

                                                     2015   -   2,72,433

Workload of Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory

No. of tests in 2016 - 671861


Clinical Services provided by the Emergency Laboratory :

Investigations:    ABG + Electrolytes, Serum Electrolytes, BUN, Creatinine, RBS,

                            Bilirubin and  Amylase

Total Workload:   No. of Tests   in 2016  -  310140