Special Activities

Special Activities

1. 3rd Pediatric Endocrinology CME 

The 3rd Pediatric Endocrinology CME, 2025, held on 19th January at Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College and General Hospital. The event was organized by Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Endocrinology under the able guidance of Dr Radha Ghildiyal, Professor and Head, Department of Pediatrics with Dr Savita Khadse, Additional Associate Professor and Dr Nikhil Shah, Visiting Consultant in the Department of Pediatrics .The event was graced by esteemed and distinguished speakers such as Dr. Vaman Khadilkar, Dr Anuradha Khadilkar, Dr. Tushar Godbole, Dr Nikhil Shah, and Dr. Sudha Rao, who's educative lectures enriched the conference with their invaluable insights. The event also included pediatric postgraduate’s endocrine case presentation to give practical approach to delegates. The CME provided a platform for knowledge exchange, fostering advancements in pediatric endocrinology and helped in improving patient care. The CME was a resounding success.

Organising team and faculty of Endocrine CME – from left to right Dr Sudha Rao . Dr Anuradha Khadilkar, Dr Radha Ghildiyal , Dr Vaman Khadilkar , Dr Savits Khadse , Dr Tushar Godbole, Dr Nikhil Shah 

2. Activities at the Pediatric Centre of Excellence for February 2025 .

a)New Year celebration with Children Living with HIV 

 New Year was celebrated on 08th Feb 2025 in the Pediatric Centre of Excellence , Department of Pediatrics . CLHIV participated in this program, by taking part in solo and group dancing. Magic show was also organized for all the CLHIV.  It was generously organized by a donor . The whole PCoE team under the guidance of our Head of Department , Dr Radha Ghildiyal and PCoE Programme director Dr. Yashwant Gabhale gave constant encouragement for this program.


 b) Online RDLS (Regional Distance Learning Seminar) was conducted by Dr Yashwant Gabhale on 27th Feb 2025 for all the  ART center of Maharashtra, the RDLS sessions are organized by I –tech. The Topic for RDLS was “Immunization in CLHIV” 


November 2024

  1. 12th Dr Athavale Foundation Pediatric Alumni (DAFPAL) CME

 The 12th Dr Athavle Foundation Pediatric Alumni (DAFPAL) CME was conducted at Nashik on 17th November 2024 at Gurudakshina hall. Around 125 delegates from Maharashtra attended it. Dr Mohan Joshi Sir, Dean, LTMGH and LTMMC was Patron and also the chief guest for the CME. Dr Jayashree Mondkar was the President of DAFPAL for this year. Dr Radha Ghildiyal and Dr Suhas Prabhu were Organising Chairperson's along with Dr Anil Kasliwal and Dr Ravindra Sonavane from Nashik. Dr Yashwant Gabhale, Dr Sanjeevani Masavkar along with Dr Kavish Mehta and Dr Rahul Koppikar were Organising secretaries from Nashik.

 The theme of the CME was "Pediatric Infectious Disease Battling Bugs Better!! ". The topics included various panel discussions and guest lectures pertaining to the theme. The prestigious Dr Armida Fernandez oration was awarded to Dr. Upendra Kinjwadekar. He delivered his oration on Sankalpa : Sampurna Swasthaya .The CME was a grand success.

DAFPAL CME Organising team and inaugural function

2 Seminar for Seva Mandal Education Society College of Nursing.

On 14 the November 2024, Learning Disability clinic, Pediatric Neurodevelopmental Centre, Department of Pediatrics conducted a seminar for Seva Mandal Education Society College of Nursing under the guidance of Dr Mona Gajre, Professor and Incharge, LD clinic . The seminar was attended by 38 students and faculty. The seminar was conducted by Clinical Psychologist from the LD clinic. The purpose of the Seminar was to give orientation on LD Clinic & Certification procedures. The Seminar session was for 30 minutes.

The students were briefed and given a tour of the LD Clinic. The team members and medical officer were introduced and their roles & responsibilities were shared. A brief introduction regarding the various tests conducted for the diagnosing of Specific Learning Disability was given. Followed by a PowerPoint Presentation of the history of LD clinic, tests conducted with respect to the board, grade & age, procedure and timeline for certification. Towards the end of the session, an interactive Q&A round was conducted wherein all student participated enthusiastically. The General Feedback of the seminar by the attendees was positive & they found it to be very informative & supportive.

Conduction of seminar by Psychologist for Seva Mandal Education Society College of Nursing.


3.Orientation for diagnosis of Learning Disability

On 21st November 2024, the second year students pursuing their Bachelors in Special Education-Learning Disability of Hashu Advani College of Special Education (HACSE) visited the Learning Disability Clinic in Sion Hospital to be oriented about the process of diagnosis of Learning Disability, under the guidance of Dr Mona Gajre, Professor and Incharge, LD clinic

The orientation began with the students being briefed about the history of the LD Clinic and its start under the Department of Pediatrics, LTMMC & GH in the year 1995.An introduction about what Learning Disability actually is and the types of learning disability were discussed and real-life examples were shown for utmost understanding of what children with SLD go through.

The students were also made to be aware of the co-morbid conditions that exist along with Learning Disability and information about of the certi?cation was informed through the guidelines of the ‘Right of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016’. Towards the end of the students visit, the LD Clinic was shown and the team members were introduced as well as informed about where each assessment takes place. The overall orientation was observed to be smooth, interactive and appreciated by the students of Hashu Advani College of Special Education (HACSE).



September and October 2024

  1. Poshan-maah 2024

In celebration of Poshan-maah 2024, the Nutrition Rehabilitation Research & Training centre (NRRTC), Department of Pediatrics, LTMGH successfully conducted various activities under the guidance of Dr. Radha Ghildiyal along with Dr. Yashwant Gabhale (NRRTC in-charge). Dr. Pallavi Shelke (Medical Superintendent, UHC Dharavi) and Dr. Sudhir (AMO) also attended the event. The initiative aimed to enhance nutritional awareness and promote healthy eating habits among the community.

Poshan-maah 2024 Theme:

  • Complementary Feeding
  • Anaemia
  • Growth Monitoring
  • Poshan Bhi, Padhai Bhi.

Activities Conducted

  1. Nutrition Display
  • A comprehensive display focused on Breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices.
  • Cooked Nutritious recipe displayed
  • Iron-rich foods to combat anemia.
  • The importance of balanced nutrition for growth monitoring.
  • Balanced meal/diet diversity
  • Food Pyramid
  • Health swaps
  1. Cooking Demonstration
  • A live cooking demonstration showcased nutritious recipes that are easy to prepare and ideal for children, emphasizing ingredients that support growth and prevent anemia and a dedicated display of these recipes for participant’s reference.

Recipes Demo given:

  • Soyabean vegetable cutlet
  • Ragi beetroot cutlet
  • Fresh Paneer laddoo
  • Whey sattu drink
  1. Games and Interactive Activities
  • Educational games cantered on themes of balanced meal, protein intake, healthy/unhealthy foods and growth monitoring were organized.

  1. 2Re- launch of Pediatric Palliative Care Services

The Department of Pediatrics proudly announces re- launch of Pediatric Palliative Care Services supported by Cipla Foundation. Our dedicated child palliative care team aims to provide holistic care to children and their families suffering from chronic life threatening and life limiting diseases for which there is no proven cure. We hope this shall help in improving the quality of life of the patients and their families.


  1. World Dyslexia Awareness Month

To celebrate the World Dyslexia Awareness Month (October), the Pediatric Neurodevelopmental Centre, Learning Disability Clinic, Department of Pediatrics at LTMGH conducted a program, based on the theme "What's your story? " on 10th October, 2024. After the welcome address by Dr Radha Ghildiyal, Prof and Head, Department of Pediatrics, Dr Mona Gajre, Prof and in-charge of LD clinic and Dr Arpita Adhikari, Associate Professor spoke about the need of awareness and steps to achieve the same. The program was attended by the parents and their children who were evaluated for SLD at the Learning Disability Clinic. The program aimed at creating awareness about Learning Disabilities and the implications of the RPwD Act 2016 and the revised gazette of 2024. In keeping with the theme, testimonials were given by individuals evaluated at the LD Clinic about their life journey navigating with SLD. This was followed by a Q & A session, where parent's queries were answered by the faculty.

  1. Identification of Early childhood development

 The Department of Pediatrics, LTMGH in collaboration with SNEHA NGO organisation conducted a workshop on early childhood development on 18th October. It was attended by 20 programme coordinators from the NGO organisation. The theme of the workshop revolved around identifying early childhood delays using the Mother Child protection card.

The programme aimed at creating awareness about the importance of early childhood period among frontline community healthcare workers and utilising family centred approach to identify developmental red flags and early referrals. This was followed by panel discussion where the queries of the frontline workers were addressed by the senior paediatricians.

  1. Academics with Institution 40

The Department of Pediatrics was invited by Indian Academy of Pediatrics for Joining in their journey of Iconic Institution excelling in Pediatric care on 25th October 2024 on an online digital IAP platform. This event was guided by Dr Radha Ghildiyal, Professor and Head, Department of Pediatrics. The event began with the welcome address by the Chief Guest, Dr Jayashree Mondkar, Ex Dean and Retired Professor, Department of Neonatology who introduced the outstanding work done at LTMGH, it being the busiest hospital in all the 3 BMC hospitals and she also spoke about the various first achievements by the Department of Pediatrics. The chairperson, Dr Radha Ghildiyal, Professor and Head, Department of Pediatrics gave a detailed overview of the achievements and accolades received by Department in patient care and research, regarding the outstanding work done by the 9 subspecialties and the 5 successful fellowship programs run by various subspecialty divisions. Key note address was given by Dr Yashwant Gabhale, Addl Professor on Pediatric Centre of Excellence for HIV children walking through the various innovations and developments done, not only regarding the treatment for children with HIV but also the prevention. Dr Sanjeevani Masavkar, Addl Professor gave an overview of the research and publications done by the faculty of Department of Pediatrics, showcasing the unique ideas which have benefitted patients in a resource limited setting. There were 2 interesting cases on Myotonia congenita and Primary adrenal insufficiency presented by the faculty Dr Arpita Adhikari, Associate professor and Dr Savita Khadse, Assistant Professor respectively. These cases were presented by the PG students Dr Radhika Ramesh and Dr Avanti Saoji guided by the faculty and the teachings from them were well appreciated by the paediatricians and post graduate students. This event was highly appreciated by the practising paediatricians of India and the postgraduate students. We are grateful to Indian Academy of Pediatrics for this opportunity.

  1. Guest talk by faculty

Dr Mona P Gajre was invited as a guest speaker at a workshop on neurodevelopmental disorders at Neuropedicon 2024, Goa. It was an interactive workshop comprising of didactic lectures, cases and hands on training. The workshop was well attended and provoked interesting deliberations on the management of neurodivergent individuals. The conference was attended by a host of interdisciplinary team members from, Neurologists, Rehabilitation professionals across various specialties.

August and September 2024

  1. World breastfeeding week Celebration

 World Breastfeeding promotional activity was organized by the Department of Pediatrics, LTMGH, Sion during the World breastfeeding week Celebration. The theme for the conference was “Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding support for all”.

Activities were conducted in the IYCN OPD, Pediatric Ward 21-22, Pediatric OPD, PCOE.

  • Activity conducted: Awareness regarding importance of breastfeeding, benefits of breastfeeding, proper latching and positioning was demonstrated. Additionally, complementary feeding was explained, emphasizing the importance of introducing appropriate foods at the right time to ensure optimal nutrition for the babies.
  • The session covered various aspects of complementary feeding- types of food to introduce, preparation methods, and feeding schedule.
  • Also, highlighted the importance of continued support for breastfeeding mothers.


  • Date: 03/08/2024

  • Conducted by: Dietician Mahenoor & Dietician Ruhi.

Pediatric Ward 21/22:


  • Date: 05/08/2024
  • Conducted by: Sucheta Ghag & Dietician Ruhi.


  • Date: 06/08/2024
  • Conducted by: Annpurna kolli, Dietician Ruhi, Dietician Mahenoor, counselor Shailaja and sister Vrushali.
  • Pediatric Ward 21/22:


  • Date: 07/08/2024
  • Conducted by: Swati temkar, Dietician Mahenoor & Dietician Ruhi.

Pediatric center of Excellence for HIV care (PCOE):

  • Date: 07/08/2024
  • Conducted by: Noella Pereira & Dietician Mahenoor.
  1. National Training Project , Practical Pediatric Hematology ( NTP-PPH)

 The Department of Pediatrics, Division of Haematology and oncology, Lokmanya Tilak municipal corporation hospital, Sion, Mumbai had the privilege of hosting the NTP-PPH in SOLAPUR, under guidance of Dr Sujata Sharma and Dr Shweta Bansal. It was organized in association with IAP - Solapur by Dr Lokhande (President IAP Solapur) on 1st Sept 2024

There were panel discussions and common topics for paediatricians. Workshops on CBC /HPLC interpretation, Bone marrow examination and blood transfusion products were also held in the afternoon session. CME was attended by around 75 delegates including practising paediatricians and post graduate students, pathologist. Audience was fully interactive throughout the sessions, appreciated the scientific feast. Overall the event was well appreciated by all attendees.


  1. Faculty talks
  2. a) Dr Mona P Gajre , Professor and Head of Unit , Department of Pediatrics , Pediatric Neurodevelopment Centre was invited as a guest speaker on 9.9.2024 at Ali Yavar Jung National Institute of Speech and Hearing Disabilirties , Bandra Reclamation for an awareness program on World Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Day.The talk was attended in huge numbers by students and staff to create awareness about multiple disabilities in community.

  3. b) Dr Mona P Gajre, Professor and Head of Unit , Department of Pediatrics , Pediatric Neurodevelopment Centre was invited as a guest speaker on interactive panel discussion on Neurodivergent individuals- a case based discussion for National Child Developmental Pediatrics Conference (NCDP 2024) on 30.8.24 to 1.9.24 at IISC Bangalore.

The panel was well attended and provoked interesting deliberations on the management of neurodivergent individuals. The conference was attended by a host of interdisciplinary team members from neurologists,rehabilitation professionals across various specialties.

  1. International Board Certified Lactation Consultant ( IBCLC) –

IBCLC workshops were conducted in the Department of Pediatrics in collaboration with the BPNI (Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India, Department of Neonatology, LTMGH and Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, LTMGH in the month of September. 2 workshops were conducted , one for the residents , senior residents and Paediatricians and other for the Mother support group members. Various talks on training on breastfeeding and its importance were delivered by eminent faculty. These workshops were highly appreciated and added immense knowledge to the delegates making them capable to promote Breastfeeding activities in the community.

April to July 2024

  1. Inauguration of the Renovated Pediatric Seminar Hall

The Pediatric Seminar hall was renovated and reopened on 20th April 2024 and named in the honour of Dr M.R. Lokeshwar, a senior Haematologist who established the Thalassemia day care and haematology services in the Department of Pediatrics, LTMGH, Sion. Dr Lokeshwar has contributed significantly in developing the haematology services and has left a lasting impact on our department and all of us. We are truly grateful and indebted to sir for his presence during this inauguration ceremony with his family.

The Dean, LTMGH, Dr Mohan Joshi sir graced the occasion and inaugurated the newly renovated hall. Dr Radha Ghildiyal, Professor and Head, Department of Pediatrics welcomed the esteemed dignitaries with her welcome address and presented the token of appreciation to them. The renovation of the hall has been carried out by BMC, AE (M& E) civil department and we appreciate their relentless efforts for this humongous task. This seminar hall has been graced by doyens in the field of Pediatrics and will be continued to be used for countless events i.e. CME, post graduate clinics, exams and various meetings.

Dean, Dr Mohan Joshi sir, Dr M. R. Lokeshwar, Dr Mrs Lokeshwar, Dr Radha Ghildiyal, Prof and Head

Special activities conducted in Pediatric Haematology- Oncoloy Division

  1. Thalassemia Day Celebration

Free HLA Typing Camp for the Thalassemia patients With DKMS (a German Bone marrow registry) in collaboration with Think Foundation was conducted on 11th May 2023 in Pediatric Hematology Oncology ward, Ward 37, Department of Pediatrics. About 75 children with Transfusion Dependent Thalassemia and Aplastic anemia underwent buccal swab sample collection for HLA typing. Their unaffected siblings or where indicated, parents samples were also sent. This event gave an opportunity to the Thalassemic child and their families for complete evaluation and then further guidance.

Thalassemia Day was also celebrated in collaboration with Shraddha Foundation. The foundation had arranged for various fun activities like Magic Show, Puppet show, dancing, singing for these children and their families .All the Thalassemic children thoroughly enjoyed the celebrations.

Dr Sujata Sharma, Associate professor lighting the lamp

  1. Nurses Day Celebration

Nurse’s day was celebrated in May 2023 with all the sisters and doctors. This event was conducted by Pediatric Haematology and Oncology Division in collaboration with Cuddles and Cankids Foundation .The doctors and patients expressed their gratitude to all the nurses for their unwavering support and huge contribution in the care of the patients .

  1. Awareness session

On 26th May 23 Retinoblastoma Awareness sessions were conducted by the Pediatric Haematology Oncology ward, Ward 37, Department of Pediatrics. This event was in collaboration with CANKIDS Foundation.

On 29th May 23, Life Skill awareness session was conducted in the Pediatric Haematology Oncology ward, Ward 37 for the oncology patients. These sessions helped the children to develop self- confidence and they were well equipped to manage their emotions to better their lives.

  1. Sickle Cell Day Celebration

Sickle Cell Day Celebration was conducted on 20th June 23. Various activities such as magic show and games were conducted for children with sickle cell anemia and their parents. All children with sickle cell anemia received 3 months’ supply of Hydroxyurea tablets .

Dr Radha Ghildiyal, Prof and Head with Faculty of Hematology- Oncology Division

  1. Bone Marrow Donor recruitment camp

In June 23, Bone Marrow Donor recruitment camp was conducted during the TRINITY conference to create awareness for the importance of bone marrow donation. DATRI Registry did the swab collection and HLA typing of the volunteers. This camp was a huge success in creating awareness and for creating a bone marrow donor registry.

Special activities conducted in Pediatric Centre of Excellence for HIV

  1. MITWAA Session for ALHIV (Adolescent Living with HIV)

On 30th April 2024, MITWAA Session acronym in Marathi for (?????, ?????????? ????????) session for ALHIV (Adolescent Living with HIV) which is conducted in PCoE for Adolescent to solve various mental and social issues was taken by Counsellor Mrs. Shital Chavan, Mr. Vikram Patole and Mrs. Bali Umre and Care coordinator Ms. Savita Patil. Nutritional aspect of the same was taken care by our Dietician Ms. Mahenoor Peerzada.

  1. 42nd Annual meeting of the European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Copenhagen, Denmark

On 22nd May 2024 Dr. Noella Pereira Consultant Pediatric HIV presented our two posters titled "CMV retinitis in Advanced HIV Disease-the importance of fundus examination “and "Can HIV affect the Heart" both presented at the 42nd Annual meeting of the European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Copenhagen, Denmark.

  1. 3. Lecture was organized by PCoE through I-Tech

 On 28th Jun 2024 Dr. Yashwant Gabhale Programme Director, PCoE and Additional professor, Department of Pediatrics gave an online lecture on “Advance Disease Management in CLHIV less than 5 years of age” . This lecture was organized by PCoE through I-Tech as a RDLS session for all the staff of ART centers across Maharashtra.

  1. Anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar

 The Boudhjan Seva Sangh, a Labour body of Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College and Municipal Hospital celebrates the anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar every year by undertaking various cultural, social and sports events. The sports event included a box underarm cricket tournament which took place in hospital premises on 10th April 2024 to 15th April 2024, total 16 teams from various department of our hospital participated in this cricket tournament. The Pediatric Department won all the three matches from the group and qualified for the quarterfinal, further they also won the quarterfinal and semifinal matches. The final match was played between Department of Pediatrics and N.K Corporation, Department of Pediatrics won the final match, Dr. Roshan won the Man of the Match award and Mr. Kalpesh won the best bowler of the tournament. The team was supported by the HOD, Dr. Radha Ghildiyal, and Additional Professor, Dr. Yashwant Gabhale Department of Pediatrics. The winners were facilitated in the annual program held in the Auditorium on 30th April 2024.

December 2023

A) Various activities conducted by Pediatric Centre of Excellence, LTMGH , in the month of December 2023

1. World AIDS day- Activities for Patients

On the occasion of World AIDS day, on 1st December , 2023, Pediatric Centre for Excellence, Sion hospital conducted a day full of activities

a) In the morning, an informative fun activity was organized for patients, an innovative game of passing the ball was played , where questions related to HIV were asked .The answers were discussed by the patients, the counsellors, doctors and care coordinator, which busted many myths and infused hope in the patients.

b) This was followed by another informative and visually pleasing demonstration of Grow, Go and Glow food by Nutritionist Ms Mahenoor Peerzada.

c) A colouring Activity was held to reinforce healthy habits in all kids.

d) All kids and family members attending the session were given snacks and gifts as token of appreciation.

Team Pediatric Centre for Excellence, LTMGH

2. World AIDS day- activities for doctors- CME Held for Faculty of Department of Pediatrics and Post Graduate students.  

 Dr Radha Ghildiyal Mam, HOD, Department of Pediatrics Introduced This year’s theme of “Let communities lead” and its importance. Dr Yashwant Gabhale, Additional Professor, spoke at length about management of HIV exposed infants and PPTCT. Dr Reepa Agarwal spoke about HIV life cycle and Initiation of First Line ART. Dr Noella Pereira spoke about Treatment failure and 2nd line ART. Dr Anjali Mujumdar Spoke about Nutrition overview in HIV.The participants were given a Practical Demonstration of food groups by Ms Mahenoor Peerzada.



3.  MDACS camp arranged for CINTAA ( Asociation of Cinema and Television Artist )

On 5th December, at the association of Cinema and television artists – CINTAA, a camp was arranged by MDACS, in which the nutrition team of PCOE were invited. In the camp, Bone densitometry by ultrasound, hemoglobin, blood sugar levels and BP of all patients were done as a part of non-communicable disease screening. Informed consent of patients was taken and HIV testing was done. Individualized Nutrition advice was given. In the Camp, many patients were found to have low bone density so the appropriate nutrition and exercise advice was given. 70 patients were benefitted from the camp .Miss Tina Ghai, treasurer and member of Board of Directors, CINTAA was very appreciative of the outcome of the camp, and expressed heartfelt gratitude to the entire Team.

4. Health Talk Given in the wards by PCOE nutrition Team and lactation consultant

On 13th of December health talk was given in the wards by the nutrition team – Dr Anjali Mujumdar, Ms Mahenoor Peerzada and the experienced lactation consultant Ms Swati Temkar. Patients were given information about breastfeeding and its importance. All the beneficiaries were also given complete information regarding frequency, duration, types of complementary feeding, and dietary diversity- food groups were informed to the patients.The session was highly appreciated.

5. Anand Mela:

On 3rd of December, Anand Mela was held by MDACS which consisted of Fun activities for adolescents from 12 to 18 years. Around 150 children attended the function .The MDACS appreciated the PCOE team by giving a trophy for the contribution to patient care and various activities conducted.

Dr Radha Ghildiyal with Dr Yashwant Gavbhale and Team , PCOE

6. Gift Distribution by Make a Wish foundation

On 21st December, before Christmas, Gift distribution was done by Make a wish foundation for the Children present in PCOE.

7. Talk to elderly members PLHIV ( People Living with HIV ) by Nutritionist Ms Mahenoor Peerzada.

Was done as a part of Umeed mela on 4th December 2023- addressing concerns and giving advice to infuse hope and help the elderly live to their fullest.

B) The Pediatric Endocrinology CME

The Pediatric Endocrinology CME was held on December 17, 2023, with the aim of providing healthcare professionals with the latest updates and advancements in the field of pediatric endocrinology. The event focused on various topics related to endocrine disorders in children, with a particular emphasis on diagnosis, management, and treatment options of short stature and puberty disorder. The CME was attended by 150 delegates. The faculty included national speakers Dr Vaman Khadilkar, Dr Prashant Patil, Dr Nikhil Shah, Dr  Madhura and Team Endocrinology from LTMGH, Dr Savita Khadse , Assistant Professor .Dr Radha Ghildiyal , Professor and Head , Department of Pediatrics welcomed all the delegates and faculty .

Key Topics Covered:

1. Growth Disorders: The session highlighted the evaluation and management of growth disorders in children, including short stature and delayed puberty. The discussions revolved around growth hormone deficiency, Turner syndrome, and constitutional growth delay, providing insights into appropriate diagnostic techniques and treatment options.

2. Workshop gave insights into hands on training of all delegates for various anthropometric measurement like: height, weight, upper segment and lower segment measurement, waist circumference measurement, puberty assessment, growth chart plotting on recent growth chart, bone age estimation. 

The CME was an enriching experience for all delegates and it enhanced their ability to provide optimal care to pediatric patients with endocrine disorders.


C). Bimonthly scientific meeting , Staff and Research Society

The Bimonthly scientific meeting of  Staff and Research Society was held on 5th December 2023 In the Physiology Lecture Hall , College Building 3rd floor . Faculty from various departments presented their research work . Dr Arpita Adhikari , Associate Professor , Department of Pediatrics presented a paper on Neurodiagnostic Evaluation of a child with first Complex Febrile Seizure .

D) Doctor speak in Aarogya Sampada

Faculty from Department of Pediatrics were invited to share their insights on Doctor speak in Aarogya Sampada. Following faculty were invited .

1. Dr Sujata Sharma, Associate Professor and Dr Radyni Mande, Junior Consultant , Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology , Department of Pediatrics – Childhood Cancer , Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment.

2. Dr Mona Gajre, Professor and Incharge, Pediatric Neurodevelopmental Centre, Department of Pediatrics-Poor school Performnace, causes and treatment

E) Guest lecture

A guest lecture on Pediatric Rheumatology disorders, approach and examination was taken by senior Pediatric Rheumatologist, Dr Raju Khubchandani in Novemeber 2023. It was attended by all the faculty members and resident from LTMGH. Also students from various other institutes attended the lecture in large numbers. The talk was highly appreciated and wa an enriching experience.   

October 2023

1. 11th Annual Conference of Dr. Athavale Foundation and Pediatric Alumni, LTMGH (DAFPAL)


The 11th Annual Conference of Dr. Athavale Foundation and Pediatric Alumni, LTMGH (DAFPAL) was conducted on 29th October 2023. The theme for this year was Pediatric Pulmonology in Children- From Airway to Zzzz. The Conference was an academic feast with Panel sessions and talks on topics ranging from issues faced in day-to-day practice to advanced Pediatric Pulmonology like bronchoscopy and Pediatric Sleep Medicine. This year, the prestigious Dr. Armida Fernandez Oration was awarded to Dr. Sandeep Bavdekar, his topic being Medical Writing- From Papyrus to Pixels and Beyond. The Conference was a huge success and was attended by over 200 delegates.

2. Capsular training program organised by MDACS

Dr. Yashwant Gabhale, Programme Director of PCoE (Pediatric Centre of Excellence for HIV Care) deliver a talk on Early Infant Diagnosis, Early initiation of Pediatric ART and Management of First line failure ART at MDACS for Capsular training program organised by MDACS for training of MSACS DoctorS Counselors, Staff nurse and Data Manager On 12 th October 2023, 20 th October 2023, and 23 rd October 2023.


3. Pediatric HIV and Telemedicine Online session 


 Dr. Noelle Pereira, Consultant- Pediatric HIV & Telemedicine took an online RDLS sessions on 04th, October 2023. Introduction of DTG 10 mg dispersible and scored tablets for Children Living with HIV  . 92 ART Centres and their respective staff attended this RDLS session.  

4. Training on facility based management of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and importance of nutrition rehabilitation centre (NRC).

Department of Pediatrics, Nutrition Rehabilitation Research and Training Centre (NRRTC) organized a training on ‘Facility based management of SAM and Importance of NRC’ on 18th October, 2023 at Pediatric Seminar Hall, LTMGH. This training was conducted as an initiative to promote setting up of NRC in all BMC Peripheral Hospital to cater to SAM children of Mumbai. The training aimed to orient the Doctors and Nurses working at Peripheral Hospital on the norms and requisite of starting an NRC and Management of SAM in facility.


 Faculty with doctors and nurses from peripheral hospital 


Dr Radha Ghildiyal . HOD. Department of Pediatrics addressing the audience 

August 2023

  1. Training on Facility Based Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition

Training on Facility Based Management of SAM was conducted by Nutrition Rehabilitation, Research and Training Centre (NRRTC), Dept. of Paediatrics on 22nd and 23rd August, 2023 at Bharat Ratna Doctor Babasaheb Ambedkar Hospital, Kandivali. This training was conducted in collaboration with SNEHA NGO. The training was attended by Paediatricians and staff nurses from Bharat Ratna Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar (BDBA) Hospital, Kandivali and Doctors from PSM Dept., King Edward Memorial Hospital.

Faculty along with Participants

  1. World breastfeeding week celebration, 2023

Theme: Enabling Breastfeeding- Making a difference for working parents.

World breastfeeding week, 2023 was celebrated by Department of Pediatrics by conducting various awareness activities for parents and patient’s. The activities were conducted under the guidance of Dr. Radha Ghildiyal, Prof. & HOD Pediatrics. The activities were planned and supervised by Dr. Yashwant Gabhale, Addnl Professor Pediatrics. From this workshop more than 150 parents benefited. 45 mothers were identified with various lactation issues and they were counselled.

Activities conducted are as follows:

Ward 1 and Nutrition Rehabilitation, Research and Training Centre OPD

Date: 4- 8-2023

Conducted by: Dr. Yashwant Gabhale, Ms. Ruhi Qureishi, Ms. Lavina Fernandes, Ms. Vishaka Joshi, Ms. Awanti Jadhav, Dr. Annpurna Koli, Ms. Archana Sawant.

Activity conducted: Awareness regarding importance of breastfeeding, Steps of expression of milk. Cooking demonstration on complementary feeds.

Ward 21, 22

Date- 5-8-2023

Conducted by: Dr. Yashwant Gabhale, Dr. Nikita Shah, Ms. Ruhi Qureishi, Ms. Mahenoor Peerzada, Ms. Sayli Chavan, Ms Shailaja Gavhane, Ms. Nilesha Pandhare.

Activity conducted: Awareness regarding importance of breastfeeding, appropriate position of infant while breastfeeding and appropriate complementary feeding.


Date- 7-8-2023

Conducted by: Dr. Alka Jadhav, Dr. Yashwant Gabhale, Ms. Sayli Chavan, Ms. Mahenoor Peerzada, Ms. Pournima Dike

Activity conducted: Awareness regarding importance of breastfeeding, appropriate position of breastfeeding and appropriate complementary feeding.

Pediatric Centre of Excellence for HIV care

Date- 7-8-2023

Conducted by: Dr. Alka Jadhav, Dr. Yashwant Gabhale, Ms. Mahenoor Peerzada, Dr. Reepa Agarwal, Dr. Anjali Mujumdar, Ms Shailaja Gavhane, Ms. Savita Patil.

Activity conducted: Awareness regarding importance of breastfeeding, appropriate position of breastfeeding and procedure for storing breastmilk for PPTCT parents and working parent.

June 2023

  1. Complementary Feeding Day

Complementary Feeding Day is celebrated on 6th June all over to create awareness on the importance and the correct methods of supplementing solids along with mother's milk beyond 6 months of age.

The Dept of Pediatrics and its Nutritional Rehabilitation Centre LTMMC & GH, in collaboration with IAP, Mumbai, organised health talks for the parents and caregivers on the importance of timely complementary feeding, emphasizing on continuing Breastfeeding.

The basic principles of Complementary Feeding, importance of a balanced diet and practical tips were shared by the members of the NRC Team to the parents. The activities were conducted by organizing health talks for the parents in the OPD, Pediatric Centre of Excellence for HIV care (PCOE), Pediatric wd 21 and 22 and at Nutrition Rehabilitation Research and Training Centre (NRRTC) located at Dharavi. The events were conducted under the able guidance of HOD and Professor, Dr Radha Ghildiyal, Dr Yashwant Gabhale, Additional Professor, Dr Alka Jadhav Visiting Consultant and Dr Reepa Agrawal Sr MO at PCOE and EB member of IAP Mumbai.

Dietition Ms Lavina Fernandes,Ms Sayali Chavan, Ms Ruhi Qureshi of NRRTC team, and Ms Mahenoor Peerzada of PCOE team conducted interactive talks in the above-mentioned areas with the help of illustrative posters, a food counter displaying pulses,millets, vegetables, fruits etc. emphasizing on the importantance of a balanced diet. Dr Amruta Shirodkar, Treasurer IAP Mumbai visited the Dharavi NRRTC centre where we had arranged a live cooking demonstration of healthy easy to cook complementary foods for the caregivers.

At the end of the sessions recipe booklets in Marathi and Hindi, of commonly used Complementary foods were distributed.

Complementary feeding day session at Pediatric OPD

Live cooking demo sessions to the parents

  1. 26th Annual Scientific meet of the Staff and Research Society , LTMGH

The faculty and residents participated in the various competitions conducted at the SRS scientific meet.




1st prize case presentation

An Unusual Case of Wilson’s Disease associated with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis

Dr. Prachi Karnik

1st prize poster presentation

Extensive Thrombosis in a case of Nephrotic Syndrome

Dr. Nehakumari Pandey

1st prize poster presentation

An Infant with Congenital Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus with Polyuria and Hypernatremia

Dr. Savita Khadse

2nd Prize poster presentation

A Rare Case of Transplant Renal Artery Stenosis

Dr. Sadhana Zope

2nd Prize Dissertation Competition

Assessment of Nutritional status and Body Composition Analysis in Pediatric HIV Patient

Dr. Aashna Gupta

  1. Pediatric Emergency workshop at Trinity 2023

The Workshop on “Pediatric Emergency” for Trinity International student conference was organized by Department of Pediatrics , Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and it was conducted on 23rd June 2023 at LTMMC & LTMGH in Pediatric seminar Hall between 10.00 am to 2.00 pm. Dr. Radha Ghildiyal (HOD & professor Department of Pediatrics) & Sanjeevani Masavkar (I/C PICU, Associate.Prof) were the organisers .

 Faculty Involved were -Assistant Professors: Dr Savita Khadse, Dr.Apurva Shah , Dr. Amarinder Oberio, Dr.Nilesh Belsare ,SMO-speciality medical officers: Dr. Manjunath R., Dr. Niharika Kori, Fellow PICU : Dr Vaishali Deshpande and Trinity Team: Dr Naman

50 students participated from different parts of Maharashtra .Various topics i.e Recognition of Sick child, Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation , Airway management , Approach to Pediatric Poisoning were covered .Hands on training was conducted for the above and the students learned the emergency procedures. The workshop was a great success with excellent participation!

Faculty and fellows , the organizing team of the workshop

Hands on training session

January 2023

  1. Medical Health Camp

A health check-up camp was conducted at Sant Kakkaya BMC School, Dharavi Cross Road and Transit Camp BMC School, Dharavi on 7 th January 2023. This camp was organised by the Honourable Former Education Minister Varsha Gaikwad. Two teams consisting of Paediatrician, Staff nurse and Dietitian conducted the health camp. A total of approximately 1000 children were catered at the camp. The children underwent anthropometry assessment, clinical assessment and were given nutritional counselling. Other services included in the camp were Ophthalmology, Medicine and RNTCP teams.

Team of Paediatrician, Staff nurse and Dietitian from Dept. of Pediatric, LTMGH

Health Talk given to school children by Paediatrician and Dietitian

  1. Post graduate residents Orientation 2023

A Orientation was conducted for the new post graduate students who joined the Department of Pediatrics in the year 2022 . Various topics ie. Communication skills, conduct in the patient care areas , blood safety , waste disposal , learning programs , national programs ,etc were discussed . The meeting was guided by Dr Radha Ghildiyal, Head of Department of Pediatrics along with various faculty members . At the end of the meeting the new joiners felt equipped and confident to begin their residency program.

Dr Radha Ghildiyal addressing the post graduate residents

  1. Play and learn volunteer team for children in Pediatric ward.

Play and learn volunteer team was back in the paediatric ward after the Covid pandemic for the first time on 10th January 2023 .This activity was sponsored by Sunday Friends .The children from ward 21 and 22 assembled in the activity room .The event started with hygiene maintaining talk and then various games were played i.e, sorting out colours, building pyramid , passing the parcel, etc . All the parents, doctors, ward staff and volunteers too participated in these games along with children.

December 2022


The Department of Pediatrics along with Pediatrics Centre of excellence for HIV care (PCoE) had celebrated WORLD AIDS DAY on 1st December 2022. The theme for this year was “Equalize”. On this day, the candles were lit by all the PCoE staff along with few HIV children and parents. The occasion was graced by Dr. Radha Ghildiyal, Professor and HOD, Department of Pediatrics along with Dr Yashwant Gabhale, Program Director of PCoE, Additional Professor, Department of Pediatrics, LTMMC &LTMGH.

In the awareness program, Dr. Yashwant Gabhale addressed the group of parents. Several adolescents spoke on their coping strategies. A drawing competition was held based on the theme in which 20 kids participated. On this occasion a half day CME was organized on 7th December 2022 along with the support from MDACS (Maharashtra District AIDS Control Society). The CME covered various topics including Prevention of Mother to Child transmission, Newer ART Regimen, TB & Opportunistic infections in children with HIV. 60 delegates attended this CME. The CME was an excellent learning experience for all. On 7 th December 2022, an adolescent support group was organized with 15 adolescents facilitated by all the faculty

Faculty lighting candles on the occasion

Dr Radha Ghildiyal addressing the delegates

Dr Yashwant Gabhale delivering the talk


Special Activities - November 2022

  1. Children’s day Celebration

Children's Day was celebrated on the 14th of November by the Department of Pediatrics, LTMGH .Dean sir honoured the occasion by celebrating it with the children in the Pediatric OPD 7 where a magic show and various fun activities were conducted.
Make a Wish Foundation, fulfilled the wishes of 70 Pediatric patients from LTMGH distributing tablets, phones, cars and many other gifts catering to the wishes of children with chronic disorders . Mr Boman Irani graced the occasion and the event was filled with fun and frolic. The Pediatric Centre of Excellence, LTMGH with the support of Sunday Friends conducted a magic show for immunocompromised children and also distributed gifts to children in the Pediatric ward.

Magic show in the Pediatric Centre of Excellence for HIV

Dr Radha Ghildiyal, HOD, Department of Pediatrics with team Sunday Friends

Dean sir in the Pediatric OPD with the kids on Children’s Day

  1. Health Camp

Health Camp was organised in the tribal area of Narshingpur, Madhya Pradesh on 19th and 20th November, 2022. The camp predominantly targeted the tribal population in and around the region. It included all specialities and super specialties namely Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Cardiology, Generel Medicine etc. LTMMC Sion had send representatives from the Department of Pediatrics, Community Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Orthopedics and Dermatology. 

From the Pediatric Department, Dr Amarinder Oberoi, Assistant Professor and Dr Vipul Jajoo, JR 3 volunteered for the cause. Children in the age group 0 to 18 years were examined by the two along with doctors from Chirayu Hospital, Bhopal. A plethora of cases including a few genetic cases were checked and diagnosed. All the local activities were coordinated by Rotary Club of Narshingpur.

Organisers of the Camp

Dr Vipul Jajoo and Dr Amarinder Oberoi examining the patients at the Camp

Special Activities - September 2022

  1. Cancer Patient Aids Association Rose Day

The Department of Pediatrics Division of Pediatric Hemato-Oncology is associated with Cancer Patients Aid Association for more than a decade now. Every year a Rose Day is organized in the month of August/September for celebrating and encouraging children with cancers. This year, Friday, 23rd September 2022 was no different. The children were kept entertained with various fun activities like Music Show by the very talented Leslie Lewis, Magic Show, Dance performance and also DJ at the end of the program. More than 300 people attended the program including present and past patients, their parent and doctors.

Audience zapped with the entertainment programme.

  1. Rashtriya Poshan Maah Abhiyaan

NRRTC conducted 2 activities to celebrate Rashtriya Poshan Maah- a campaign under POSHAN Abhiyaan (PM’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nourishment). The activities conducted are as follows,

A] Nutrition Mela:

NRRTC conducted Nutrition Mela on 21 st September, 2022 at Urban Health Centre, Dharavi. The Mela included display of i) Low-cost nutritious recipes for children, ii) Food diversityand iii) 4 G’s (Go, Grow, Glow and Gut foods). We also had activity corner for parents and health care workers regarding, i) Make my healthy food plate and ii) What is healthy food


Various activities done at the Nutrition Mela  



B] Training on nutritional management of moderate acute malnutrition:

We conducted a session on Nutritional management of Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) for SNEHA NGO on 23rd September, 2022 at Sindhi Society Gymkhana, Chembur. The training was attended by 60 participants from four intervention teams comprising of Program Officers, Program Coordinator, Associate Program Director and Program Director. The training was conducted by Ms. Lavina Fernandes and Ms. Ruhi Qureishi. 

(1st Photo- Ms Lavina Fernandes presenting about Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) and recent protocols and researches on Management of MAM. 2nd Photo- Ms Ruhi Qureishi providing the lecture on Food diversity and Nutritious meal plan for children.)

Role Play and Planning a Day Meal for Children by Participants.

  1. Visit of National Securities Depositories Limited to Thalassemia Day care centre

On 22nd September 2022 team from National Securities Depositories Limited visited the Thalassemia Daycare Centre and Department of Pediatrics at LTMGH. The Department Of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Hemato-Oncology has been running a Thalassemia Daycare Centre where more than 300 Transfusion Dependent Thalassemics visits 1-2 times a month for regular transfusion Therapy. Their long term transfusion related complications need to be monitored. One of the aspects of the care is using Leucocyte filter, T2*MRI and DEXA scan. Team NSDL, headed by their MD and CEO Mrs. Padmaja Chunduru have been associated with supporting the above-mentioned for children getting transfused at LTMGH. They had visited the Day care and interacted with children who benefit from their support. They were overwhelmed by the amount of work and care provided and the dedication of the team working for the children.

Celebrations by the faculties and Thalassemic children

Special Activities - July 2022

  1. ORS week celebration

Oral Rehydration Solution week 2022 was conducted by IAP in collaboration with various medical colleges to create awareness about ORS. The Department of Pediatrics, LTMGH, Sion participated in the Jingle and Poem competition. This was conducted on the 26th of July 2022 in the Paediatric Seminar Hall, College Building, first floor .The theme of the competition was Jodi No 1 ORS and Zinc. The program was conducted under the guidance of Dr Radha Ghildhiyal, Professor and Head, Department of Pediatrics and Dr Alka Jadhav, Professor and In charge of Nuttrition Rehabilitation and Training Centre .The event was attended by undergraduate, postgraduate and nursing students, also the faculty of Pediatrics.

From left to right : Judges Dr Sharmada Nerlekar, Associate Professor, Pharmacology, LTMGH, Residents from Pediatric Department and Dr Meghraj Ingle, Prof and Head, Dept of Gastroenterology, LTMGH.


The local round of the 35th IAP quiz for undergraduates was conducted on the 19th July, 2022 by the Department of Pediatrics, LTMGH, Sion. The Quiz was conducted under the guidance of Dr Radha Ghildhiyal, Professor and Head, Department of Pediatrics. The Quiz coordinators were Dr Sadhana Zope, Associate Professor and Dr Savita Khadse, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics. Dr Darshan Hedge, SMO was the Quiz Master. The quiz was attended by many undergraduate students enthusiastically. There were various rounds including the clinical, visual, rapid fire with brain tickling questions. Faculty from the Department of Pediatrics was present for encouraging the students. Prizes were given to the winning and the two runners up team. The Quiz was well appreciated by the participants and the attendees.


The local round of the 16th IAP quiz for undergraduates was conducted on the 21st July, 2022 by the Department of Pediatrics, LTMGH, Sion. The Quiz was conducted under the guidance of Dr Radha Ghildhiyal, Professor and Head, Department of Pediatrics The Quiz coordinators were Dr Sujata Sharma, Associate Professor and Dr Arpita Adhikari, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics. Dr Darshan Hedge, SMO was the Quiz Master. The quiz was attended by many postgraduate students of Pediatrics enthusiastically. There were 6 rounds conducted which included the clinical, visual, rapid fire which included various clinical scenarios, procedures and advances in the subspecialty of Pediatrics Faculty from the Department of Pediatrics was present for encouraging the students. Prizes were given to the winning and the two runners up team. The quiz was a great success with excellent participation!

Pictures of the Faculty of Department of Pediatrics, distributing certificates to the winners .

Few of the special Activities conducted in the year 2021

  1. Covid sensitization program for Anganwadi workers from ICDS

With the ongoing Pandemic and the need for strengthening the knowledge in the community on practicing Covid appropriate behavior and its management in children under Home isolation, Department of Pediatrics in collaboration with NRRTC organized a Covid Sensitization Program for Anganwadi workers from ICDS and Community officers from various NGO’s. The aim of this webinar was to impart knowledge to the frontline workers who work within the community which would aid in better knowledge dissemination amongst the people in the community.

  1. Pediatric COVID- Sensitization and Approach on 6th July, 2021

  1. Low Birth Weight, Malnutrition and COVID-19 training for ICDS, Bhiwandi on 11th, 12th and 13th August, 2021

  1. Training on SAM management
  1. The Nutrition Rehabilitation and Research Training centre organized a training on SAM management for under graduate medical students OF K. J. Somaiya Hospital and LTMGH on 25th August, 2021 and 10th September 2021.

B.Training on Identification and Management of SAM (online and offline) for Aaganwadi workers, Supervisors and CDPO from ICDS Dharavi, Govandi and Mankurd on 27th October, 28th October, 17th November and 23rd November, 2021.

World AIDS day celebration

The Department of Pediatrics Along with Pediatrics Centre of excellence for HIV care (PCoE) had celebrated WORLD AIDS DAY on 1st December 2021. The theme was “End Inequalities, End AIDS”. On this day the candles were lit by all the PCoE staff and the occasion was graced by Dr. Radha Ghildiyal, Professor and HOD, Department of Pediatrics along with Dr Yashwant Gabhale, Program Director of PCoE, Additional Professor, Department of Pediatrics, and LTMMC & GH.

On this day the parents and the children of the center were also participated on the awareness of the program. Dr. Pallavi Chonkar (Telemedicine Consultant) addressed the group of parents regarding feeding practices in younger children. On this occasion a half day CME was organized on 3rd December 2021, along with MDACS and I-Tech support by providing online platform. In this CME 20 MDACS ART centers & 40 MSACS ART Centers had participated. 


From left to right Dr Yashwant Gabhale, Dr Radha Ghildiyal and Dr Pallvi Chonkar in CME .

DAFPAL CME 2021 Pearls of Neurology: for Practicing Pediatricians”

Dr Athavale Foundation and Pediatric Alumni, LTMGH organizes a CME every year on a topic relevant to the primary care pediatricians. This year’s theme was “Pearls of Neurology: for Practicing Pediatricians” on an online platform. The CME was conducted on 12th December 2021, on an online platform and was attended by 223 delegates all over Maharashtra.

 Various topics covered included the approach to febrile encephalopathy, pediatric stroke, pediatric demyelinating disorders, approach to seizures in children and genetics in neurology. The oration of CME was given by Dr Alka Jadhav, Professor of Pediatrics at LTMGH on her excellent Journey in developing Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition division in the Department of Pediatrics, LTMGH. The CME helped us to spread the knowledge in an effective manner, with an excellent learning experience for all the participants.

Dr Radha Ghildiyal,Prof and Head , Department of Pediatrics and Organising Chairperson, DAFPAL CME addressing the audience .

Oration awarded to Dr Alka Jadhav by the DAFPAL committee members ( From left to right Dr Yashwant Gabhale,Dr Radha Ghildiyal, Dr Alka Jadhav, Dr Prashant Moralwar, Dr Mona Gajre )

Panel discussion ( From top left Dr Aditi Dharap,Moderator, Dr Mona Gajre, Dr Arpita Adhikari, Dr Neeta Naik and Dr Shekhar Patil, panelists )

  1. Home monitoring OPD and post Covid follow up OPD –

After acute Covid 19 illness, recovered children may continue to report a wide variety of signs and symptoms including MIS-C (Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children), febrile inflammatory syndrome, complaints of respiratory difficulty, fatigue, tiredness, confusion, and other chronic health problems.

In order to improve the quality of life of these children who have recovered from Covid, we strongly felt that care should not stop at hospital level, but a long-term monitoring facility should be created which will tremendously benefit these children and their families. These facilities will also help us to counsel the family and allay their anxiety which will provide comprehensive and holistic care to these children and their families.

Hence we started a post Covid follow up OPD. The following patients are monitored in this OPD

 1) Mildly symptomatic children who are in Home isolation.

2) Covid patients discharged after 10 days from the hospital facility.

3) All patients of MIS-C after discharge.

In the OPD, following is carried out:

  • Training for home monitoring of the child
  • Dos and Don’ts of post Covid care
  • Red flag signs for early detection of potential complications
  • Monitoring charts of normal temperature and respiratory rate as per age will be explained to the parents.

All children are given a ‘Covid home kit’ which consists of

  1. 1 Digital thermometer
  2. 1 bottle of sanitizer,
  3. N95 masks- 4 in number
  4. 3 ply masks- 10 in number
  5. 1 pack of tissues
  6. Plastic folders containing the discharge card and home monitoring chart.
  7. A pulse oximeter will be given on loan basis for monitoring and the patient will have to return on the defined day.

We have seen 15 patients till now and have monitored them on a daily basis and have treated them successfully providing holistic care.

  1. Paediatric Covid Workshops under the aegis of the MCGM Paediatric COVID task force


The Department of Pediatrics, under the aegis of the MCGM Pediatric COVID task force, has conducted 4 training workshops on Pediatric COVID with the following objectives:

  1. Sensitization about increase in Pediatric COVID cases during the probable 3rd wave
  2. Approach to Pediatric COVID
  3. Home isolation and home monitoring of Pediatric COVID cases and post COVID care
  4. Identification of Red Flag signs & early referral of Pediatric COVID patients.
  5. Holistic management of Pediatric COVID, including nutrition, mental health and immunization.

The details of these workshops are as follows:

Sr. No


In collabo-ration with

Target audience

No of participants



Medium of instruction


From Epidemiology to Management of COVID in children

Dept. of Community Medicine

MOs of peripheral hospitals, health posts, maternity homes


2nd June 2021

Online via Zoom



Pediatric COVID in a nutshell


General Medical Practitioners from Mahim Dharavi and Govandi 

Approx 175

11th June 2021

Main Auditorium



Pediatric COVID – Sensitization and Approach

NGOs in Mumbai and Palghar

Staff of NGOs ion Mumbai and Palghar, including Community workers and Supervisors


6th July 2021

Online via Zoom with Live YouTube link

Marathi and Hindi


Pediatric COVID in a nutshell – Sensitization and Approach


HCWs and staff of 93 ART centers across Maharashtra


9th July 2021

Online via Zoom with Live YouTube link


All these programs received the able guidance of our respected Dean Dr. Mohan Joshi, who is the Chairman of the MCGM Paediatric COVID Task Force and our Head of Department of Pediatrics, Dr Radha Ghildhiyal.

Dean Dr Mohan Joshi inaugurating the Pediatric Covid workshop , with Head of Department of Pediatrics, Dr Radha Ghildiyal and Professor Dr Alka Jadhav

Team from the Department of paediatrics addressing the audience.

In the centre, Head Dr Radha Ghildiyal , on the right Dr Yashwant gabhale , Dr Arpita Adhikari , Dr Sujata Sharma , Dr Aditi Kolte , on the Left Dr Alka Jadhav, Dr Pawan Kalamdani, Dr Prachi Karnik


  1. Workshops for Severe Acute Malnutrition conducted by Nutritional Rehabilitation and Research Training Centre , UHC Dharavi, Department of Paediatrics






Management of SAM

6th and 7th April, 2021

Save the Children

Save the children staff

Infant and Young child nutrition

7th and 8th April, 2021

SNEHA, ICDS (Ulhasnagar)

ASHA workers from ICDS Ulhasnagar.

Complementary feeding

22nd April, 2021

SNEHA , ICDS (Bhiwandi)

ASHAs & Health committee members of Bhiwandi Municipal Corporation

IYCN, Management of SAM

29th June, 2021


ICDS workers- Vikramgad

Pediatric COVID- Sensitisation

6th July, 2021


280 NGO staff

Management of SAM

6th to 9th July, 2021

Save the children

2 Save the children Cos and 5 Angawadi worker


February 2020

1.    Doodle workshop by Learning Disability Clinic, Pediatric Neurodevelopmental centre.

“Doodle your way” was a workshop conducted by the Doodle man Mr Rohan and his team with Ananta, a non-profit organization for children with Learning Disabilities on 27th February 2020. The purpose of this workshop was to help children build a creative avenue to release their stress. All the kids were encouraged to think out of the box and have an independent thought process

Team of Pediatric Neurodevelopment Centre with the doodle workshop team

2.    PG clinic webcast

Live webcast of Post graduate clinics was held on 20th February from LTMMC, Mumbai under IAP Action Plan 2020-dIAP (Digital IAP). It is an initiative of IAP in collaboration with Department of Pediatrics, LTMMC and LTMGH to facilitate e-learning in all spheres of Pediatrics. This helps the postgraduate students to enhance their ways of clinical examination, rational approach to various disorders and keep abreast with the recent advances.


3.    International Childhood Cancer Day


The Division of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Pediatrics celebrated the International Childhood Cancer Day in association with Cuddles Foundation on 14th February, 2020.  A special magic show was also arranged for the entertainment of the children. 

Parents and children enjoying the magic show

January 2020

1.    Diamond Jubilee Celebrations of Department of Pediatrics

Department of Pediatrics, Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College and General Hospital in association with DAFPAL celebrated its Diamond Jubilee at Fariyas Lonavala on 1st and 2nd February 2020. Dr Radha Ghildiyal, Professor and Head, Department of Pediatrics recaptured these 60 years, right from the first seed sown, to the strengthening of the roots, to the branching out, to the bursting of leaves, to the bearing of flowers and fruits. Dr Prashant Moralwar , President , DAFPAL gave an over view of the accolades achieved by the esteemed faculty of this Department .

The function was attended by all the senior Paediatricians associated with the Department i.e Dr Kandoth, Dr Meenakshi Mehta, Dr Armida Fernandes, Dr M R Lokeshwar, Dr Madhuri Kulkarni, Dr Mamta Manglani, Dr Jayshree Mondkar .Many Pediatricians who have passed out and also the ones currently associated with the Department were present. All of them witnessed the blooming of this 60 year old Departmental tree at different points in time.

 Dr Madhuri Kulkarni, Dr Meenakshi Mehta, Dr Armida Fernandes, Dr M R Lokeshwar, Dr Kandoth, Dr Mamta Manglani and Dr Radha Ghildiyal from left to right

Dr Radha Ghildiyal addressing the audience

1.    Nutrition Rehabilitation Research and Training Centre (NRRTC)


A)   Visit to NRRTC facility by Mrs Annabel Mehta, (President, Apnalaya NGO)

Apnalaya is a NGO focusing issues of health care, gender, education and livelihoods using an integrated community development approach.NRRTC has an association with Apnalaya to conduct community management of malnutrition. Mrs Annabel Mehta and Dr Ninad Salunkhe (Chief Operating Officer, Apnalaya) visited the NRRTC OPD, Ward and the indigenous Medical Nutrition Therapy Production Unit on 4th February 2020.

(1st photo- Mrs Annabel Mehta, Dr Ninad Salunkhe, Dr Alka Jadhav along with the team of NRRTC, 2nd  photo-  (Left to right) Dr Prachi Karnik, Dr Alka Jadhav, Mrs Mehta, Dr Salunkhe.)

A)   Annual Severe Acute Malnutrition Graduation Party

NRRTC with ever year felicitates our little ones who have recovered from Severe Acute Malnutrition and Severe Thinnes. This party was held on 23rd January 2020 which was graced by the presence of Dr Alka Jadhav (Professor and In-charge NRRTC), Mrs Nair (General Manager, Hexagon Nutrition Pvt Ltd)


(1st and 2nd Photo- Dr Alka Jadhav and Mrs Nair lighting the lamp and felicitating our little champions, 3rd Photo- Staff and Children enjoying the party)

A)   Invited as a Speaker for Virtual Classroom for students in MCGM Schools.

NRRTC staff, Ms Lavina Fernandes and Ms Ruhi Qureishi represented NRRTC by giving a lecture on Nutrition in School going Children as a part of Virtual Classroom for MCGM Schools on 25th January 2020.

(In set- Ms Ruhi Qureishi and Ms Lavina Fernandes providing the lecture for the virtual classroom)

D)Training for SNEHA NGO on Nutritional intervention in Stunting.

NRRTC staff in association with SNEHA NGO performed a 2- Day Training Workshop on Stunting Intervention for SNEHA NGO’s Community Officers on 8th and 9th of January 2020.


(NRRTC staff addressing the crowd on Nutrition during Pregnancy and Lactation)



December 2019

Kindly put the following activities in the special activities section :

1.    Nutrition Rehabilitation Research and Training Centre (NRRTC)

A) Ms Lavina Fernandes (Dietitian cum Production Incharge) represented NRRTC unit by presenting a poster on special Soy Based Ready to Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) formulation which won the 1st prize under the IDA President’s Award- Experimental Nutrition at IDACON 2019 at Ahmadabad.

(In set: Ms Lavina Fernandes being awarded the first prize by the President of Indian Dietetic Association and the members of the National Committee.)

B) Case Study Presentation at IDACON 2019, Ahmedabad

Ms Divya Ananthasubramanian (Dietitian, NRRTC) represented the unit by presenting a case report on “Nutritional Management of Glucose- Galactose Malabsorption in a 9 month old infant”. The case report was one of the few case reports to be selected for an oral presentation all over India.

 (In set: Ms Divya Ananthasubramanian presenting the case report)

C) Nutritious Recipes Cooking Demonstration for SAM children’s Family Members.

A cooking demonstration on nutritious recipes for SAM children was organized by NRRTC unit on 13th December 2019. This demonstration was attended by parents of SAM and MAM children. 

(Dietitians addressing the audience on the importance of eating right, and on the nutritional composition of the recipes) (In set: Demonstration of Healthy and Nutritious Ragi Dosa)

D) Visit to the NRRTC unit by MAVIM Team

Mahila Arthik Vikas Mahamandal (MAVIM) is a nodal agency for women empowerment declared by Govt. of Maharashtra in 2003. They visited the NRRTC unit in order to implement a medium capacity production plant in various districts of Maharashtra on pilot basis.

(MAVIM team interacting with patients and their care givers)

E)  Session on “Identifying Children with Severe Acute Malnutrition” for nursing students in September, 2019.

Nursing students of LTMGH are routinely sent to NRRTC unit for trainings. One such training session was held for them at NRRTC wherein they were taught to identify Severe Acute Malnutrition in children.

(In set: Mrs Sonia Ramesh (Staff Nurse, NRRTC), demonstrates steps to interpret anthropometry of children)

F) Visit to the NRRTC production unit by Hon’ Additional Municipal Commissioner (Mrs) Dr Ashwini Joshi, Hon’ Additional Municipal Commissioner (Western Suburbs) (Mrs) Dr Ashwini Joshi visited the NRRTC OPD as well as the production unit in August 2019.

(In set: (left to right) Dr Ashwini Joshi (Hon’ AMC Western Suburbs), Dr Pramod Ingale (HOD, Dept. of Biochemistry), Dr Mohan Joshi (Dean, LTMMC and LTMGH), Dr Alka Jadhav (Professor [Pediatrics] and In-Charge, NRRTC, LTMGH.

G)  Setting up Nutrition Research Centre’s in Mumbai

A meeting was held by NRRTC unit inviting Paediatricians and Nutritionists from MCGM Hospitals and Peripheral Centres in order to promote setting up Nutrition Rehabilitation Centres in their respective Medical Colleges and Health Posts in April 2019.

(In set: Dr Alka Jadhav (Professor, Paediatrics and NRRTC Incharge), addressing the paediatricians and nutritionists from MCGM hospitals.)

H) Training session on Facility Based Management of SAM for undergraduates Medical Students.

A one day training session was organised by NRRTC staff for the undergraduate medical students for TRINITY Medical conference in March 2019.


(In set:  Dr Alka Jadhav, conducting the training.)


Guest Lecture

1.     A guest lecture on “Allergy and Immunotherapy” was conducted by Dr Manisha Juvekar, Consultant Pediatrician with keen interest in Pulmonary medicine on 20th December, 2019, 2pm, Pediatric Seminar hall.


2.    A guest lecture on “Pediatric Snoring and Sleep disorders” was conducted by Dr Pranshu Advadkar, Sleep medicine Specialist at Sleep sciences Centre, Chicago, Illinois on 17th  December, 2019, 2pm, Pediatric Seminar hall.

November 2019

1.    Teenage Day & Daughters’ Day

The Teenage day & Daughters’ day was celebrated by the Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Mumbai Branch in association with the Department of Pediatrics, Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College & Hospital, Sion. A variety of activities were held from 14th October to 18th October 2019to create awareness on different issues related to Teenagers & Daughters.

The theme for this year was as follows:

1.    Teenage Day - “Reach out, be Friend’s with Teens for a better Tomorrow’’

2.    Daughter’s Day-“Beti bachao, Healthy banao”

The activities were supported by Dr. Radha Ghildiyal, Prof & HOD of Pediatrics & Dr. Yashwant Gabhale Associate Prof of Pediatrics, who was also the convenor of these activities. The activity finally concluded with the Felicitation function, held in the Auditorium at LTMG hospital on 27th November, 2019 between 1pm to 4pm. The Chief Guest for the programme were Mr. Jaywant Bhalekar (Film, Television & Stage Actor) and Ms. Shraddha Hande (Film, Television & Stage Actress). The Guest of Honour was Mr. Rahul Bhandare (Producer - Advait Theatres).    Other dignitaries also present were Dr Radha Ghildiyal (Professor & HOD Dept. of Pediatric, LTMMC, Sion), Dr. Bela Verma (President IAP Mumbai), Dr Amin Kaba (Hon Secretary Mumbai IAP), along with Dr Yashwant Gabhale Additional Prof of Pediatrics (Hon. Treasurer Mumbai IAP). The programme was followed with performance by the winners of the various competitions

Dignitaries on dais: L-R Dr.Yashwant Gabhale, Dr.Radha Ghildiyal, Mr. Jaywant Bhalekar, Ms. Shraddha Hande, Mr. Rahul Bhandare, Dr Bela Verma, Dr. Amin Kaba

Felicitation of Dr Radha Ghildiyal, Professor and Head, Department of Pediatrics

 Felicitation of Ms. Shraddha Hande (Chief Guest)

3.    National Epilepsy Awareness Month

On occasion of National Epilepsy Awareness month which is celebrated in November, the Division Of Neurology, Epilepsy and Developmental Pediatrics conducted a symposium on “Management of Status Epilepticus” on 28th November, 1-4 pm in Pediatric Seminar hall, LTMMC and LTMGH. This is an annual event which creates awareness about the causes, symptoms and management of epilepsy. The experts in field of epilepsy i.e the Pediatric Neurologist and the Pediatric Intensivist discussed the protocols of the hospital with all the recent advances. It was attended by fellows in Pediatric Neurology, Intensive care fellows and Pediatric residents. The above activity created awareness about the promptness of dealing with status epilepticus and hence the optimum care of these children with epilepsy.

October 2019

1.      Teenage and Daughter’s Day  Celebration

The Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Mumbai Branch & LTMGH Sion had celebrated Teenage Day & Daughter’s Day from 14 October 2019 to 17 October 2019 under the able guidance of Dr Yashwant Gabhale, Additional Professor. The theme for 2019 was “Reach out, be friend with teens for a better tommorow’’ for Teenage Day and “Beti Bachao, Healthy Banao”  for Daughters Day. Many medical and nursing students from various colleges participated in the activity.


Judges judging the poster

Poster made by a student on Beti bachao Healthy Banao

Street play competition

September  2019

1.      Magic Show for Cancer, Thalassemia and AIDS patient


LIONS CLUB OF KINGS CIRCLE LIONESS in association with Department of Pediatrics, LTMGH and LTMMC conducted a magic show for cancer , thalassemia and AIDS patients on 4th October, Main Auditorium, College Building, LTMMC and LTMGH .


2.      Guest Lecture on “Inferential Statistics and Sampling Methods” was conducted by Dr Maninder Setia, Epidemiologist and Consultant Dermatologist o 17th September, pediatric Seminar Hall, LTMGH.


3.      Dr Athavale Foundation and Pediatric Alumni , LTMGH and MCGM , Comprehensive Thalassemia centre in association with Mumbai IAP conducted a CME ON 29TH September 2019 at Westin Mumbai garden City, Goregaon –]


Faculties of the Department of Pediatrics were members of the Executive Committee of DAFPAL. The topic of the CME was “Insights into Pediatric Hematology – Oncology”. It was well attended by pediatricians, pediatric hematologist, post -graduate students. All the topics of the CME helped the audience learn about the basic and advances of various childhood hematological disorders .

Dr Armida fernandes, Dr Radha Ghildiyal, Dr Mamta Manglani, Dr Prashant Moralwar from left to right


1.      Juvenile Diabetes Educational Programme


A educational Programme for Juvenile Diabetes was conducted by Department of Pediatrics, LTMMC and LTMGH  in association with Sunday Friends on 28th September 2019 .This programme was organized by Dr Savita Khadse, Assistant Professor , department of pediatrics under the able guidance of Dr Radha Ghildiyal, Professor and Head, Dpartment of Pediatrics The speakers were internationally reputed doctors and diabetic educators .It was for the parents who had kids with juvenile diabetes and various topics discussed included ambulatory management of the disorder and counseling skills .

Dr Radha Ghildiyal addressing the parents



1.      Dr Prachi Karnik, Assistant Professor in Department of Pediatrics was awarded the BEST FELLOW AWARD, 2019  by Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition .



2.      Rose Day celebration for children with cancer


Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology in association with Cancer patient Aids association conducted a Rose day Celebration on 24th September, 2019 in the Auditorium, LTMGH

Faculty with the members from CPA and kids



1.      Study Skills session and parental Counseling session by Learning disability Clinic

Pediatric neurodevelopment Centre, Learning Disability clinic conducted a study skills session and parental counseling session for children with Learning Disability since 26th September, 2019. The study skills session is conducted every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month for children with learning disability/ ADHD. The team members address the importance and application of basic study skills for effective learning. Alongside, they provide brain gym training for improving attention and relaxation techniques to deal with academic stress.

Study skill session


In the parental counseling session ,  parents are counseled about Learning Disabilities (LD), intervention strategies and management of LD and the concessions provided by the education boards for the same.

Parental Counselling session

August  2019 - Special activities

1.      Heartfulness Meditation Programme - conducted by Heartfulness organization for the faculty and senior residents of the Department of pediatrics on 28, 29,30 th August, 2019, from3-4 pm in the pediatric Seminar Hall, LTMMC and LTMGH.

2.      Kolhapur flood relief camp - A Team from Sion Pediatrics Department consisting of Dr Manish Tiwari, Dr Jay, Dr Abhinay , Dr Rakesh Kopte left on 10 th August to provide basic relief to flood hit area of Kolhapur district .The work was carried out under the guidance of health department of MCGM . They visited many talukas like Shirol, Shirdon, Malbag, etc and gave a healing touch to the local sufferings there.  

Team of Residents for Kolhapur flood relief

Residents evalauting the children in the flood prone areas

Activities done to keep the flood prone areas clean 

July 2019 – Special Activities

1.      Guest Lectures conducted

a.       Vaccine Preventable Diseases, Case based surveillance – by Dr Meeta Vashi, Surveillance Medical Officer, WHO ,on 17 th July , 1-4 pm, Pediatric Seminar Hall .

b.      Hemophilia A – Basics and beyond , by Dr Chandrakala , Head of Department , Department of Hematology ,KEM Hospital, on  25th July 2-4 pm, Pediatric Seminar Hall.


2.      Indian Academy of Pediatrics -Undergraduate Quiz – The college round of the UG  IAP quiz was conducted in the Department of Pediatrics on 26th July 2019 .Dr Sanjeevani Masavkar (Associate Professor) was the coordinator .36 students participated .Sameer babu and Maz Syed , III MBBS students won the elimination round .


3.      Indian Academy of Pediatrics - Post graduate Quiz - Intra collegiate round was conducted in the Department of Pediatrics on 12th July. Dr Yashwant Gabhale and Savita Khadse were the quiz coordinators.


4.      World Breastfeeding week – Poster presentation - WBW THEME 2019, Empower Parents, Enable Breastfeeding, 18 th July , LTMMC and LTMGH  .Dr Minal Soneji, Dr Mansi Shah, Dr Aditi Dandawate and Dr Snehit , residents in the Department of Pediatrics presented the posters


5.      Orientation programme - The departmental orientation programme for newly joined residents (Batch 2019) was conducted on 8thto 11th& 19th July 2019 at the Pediatric Seminar Hall, 1st floor, College building. Dr Harshada Uchil, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics under the able guidance of Dr Radha Ghildiyal, Professor and Head, Dept of Pediatrics conducted the orientation programme. Dr Radha Ghildiyal motivated and encouraged the students to have a rich learning experience during their residency. Various topics ie OPD management, IPD treatment of common ailments, procedures were taught by the Senior Medical officers of the department. The esteemed faculty of PICU taught students about the recognition of the sick child, intubation and resuscitation techniques .Stress management talk was taken by Dr Nilesh Sha, Professor and Head , Department of Psychiatry .Communication skills were also imparted to the students .

Students learning emergency triage management by means of interactive work stations:

b.      Work station on Rapid Sequence Intubation: Work station on Cardio pulmonary Resuscitation:

c.  Dr. Nilesh Shah (Dept of Psychiatry) conducting the session on Stress Management:

d.      Dr. Mridul (Dept of Microbiology) conducting a session on Infection Control & Biomedical Waste management:

6.       ORS week was celebrated by IAP Mumbai in the last week of July 2019. 

A jingle and poem competition was held for the UG and PG students from various colleges. The theme was ORS - The Amrut in dehydration. The Jingle and poem competition was held based on the theme. Dr Yashwant R Gabhale was the coordinator for the program. 

Judges and audience during the Jingle competition 

7.      Indian Society of hematology and Blood transfusion quiz (ISHBT) – held on 27 th July 2019 at PD Hinduja Hospital, Zonal round – The zonal round was won by a team of residents from Pediatrics-  Dr Mansi Shah, resident from Medicine -  Dr Aditi Patankar , resident from pathology - Dr Sonal Paul.

June 2019 - Special activities done in the Autism Intervention centre in June 2019

1.      Diet Camp - A dietician screening and camp was held for the children of AIC on 1st June, 2019. A total of 16 children attended the camp. A complete diet check-up was carried out regarding the current dietary habits in children, and a diet chart was given to children as per their nutritional requirements. The camp was well-received by all parents and children are scheduled for a regular follow-up to monitor their diet.

2.      Yoga session on International Yoga day -  On the occasion of international Yoga Day, AIC conducted yoga session for parentson 22/06/2019. 10 parents were present for one hour session, she has taken mudras, breathing exercise pranayama, altered postures for pregnant mother etc. related ‘Asana’ for relaxation of mind, BP, Diabetes, back pain, to control digestive system etc.

3.      Dentist camp in AIC - A dental screening camp was organised by AIC on 1st June 2019 for the kids of AIC. Dr. Laxmi. M from D.Y.Patil inspected, evaluated and documented the dental conditions of 10 patients. She informed the parents about the present dental conditions of the kids and suggested the treatment accordingly. She explained parents about how to maintain the dental hygiene of their kids. The camp was well-received by all parents and children are scheduled for a regular follow-up to monitor their dental condition.

May 2019


1.    Parents Support Group meeting – “Hygiene and Chemotherapy side effects in Pediatric oncology patientsorganized by CANKIDS FOUNDATION on 28/05/2019

2.    Summer Camp -Autism Intervention Centre, UHC Dharavi from 2/05/2019 - 31/05/2019

Autism Intervention Centre (AIC) team conducted an interactive Summer Camp from 2/05/2019 to 31/05 /2019 over working days. The camp included an interactive program covering various areas of Autism-verbal and non verbal preschool activities, transitional preschool activities Functional activities 

Summer Camp -Autism Intervention Centre, UHC Dharavi from 2/05/2019 - 31/05/2019

April  2019


1)      25th Annual Scientific Meet, Staff and Research Society

7 posters, 3 interesting cases and 8 Research presentations were done.

The following are the prizes received:


a)      First prize for Interesting case presentation.

Neonatal diabetes curable with oral medications- Genetic testing a need of hour.

Dr. Savita Khadse, Dr Sanjeevani Masavkar, Dr Priyanka Sahu , Dr Rajesh Shah, Dr Chinmay Chaudhary, Dr Alka Jadhav, Dr Radha Ghildiyal


b)      First Prize in Poster presentation

To study the prevalence of parental ADHD in children newly diagnosed with ADHD In urban India.

Dr Mona Gajre, Dr Abhinav Neela, Dr Arpita Adhikari, Dr Deepali Sangale, Dr Mansi Shah



2)      Lecture on “Critical appraisal of  a Journal article”, Dr. Sandeep Bavdekar, Ex-Professor

and Head, Department of Pediatrics, BYL Nair Hospital and T.N. Medical College on 27th  April 2019, Pediatric Seminar Hall, 2-4 pm


3) ABC’s of Autism – Interactive Parent Training Programme series conducted by Autism intervention centre, UHC, Dharavi


Autism Intervention Centre (AIC) conducted an interactive Parent Training Program Series, over three consecutive Saturdays on 13th April, 20th April, 27th April, 2019, as part of celebrations of the April Autism Awareness Month. The program series were titled ABC’s of Autism, and was an interactive program covering various areas of Autism-Myths and Facts, Role of Intervention and medications, Role of Speech-Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy and Parent’s role in therapy and importance of home program compliance. The highlight of the program was the launch of the Sion Autism Whatsapp Support group for parents, by Dr. Jayashree Mondkar, Dean, LTMMC & GH.

March 2019

Kindly put the following in the special activities section of the website.

1.      Pediatric Emergency workshop, Trinity, March 2019

Division of Pediatric Intensive care, Department of Pediatrics conducted a half day workshop on Pediatric Emergencies during the preconference workshop of Trinity 2019. This workshop was attended by 50 delegates, who were undergraduate students from various medical colleges in Maharashtra. There were didactic lectures followed by hands on skill development of various emergency conditions. The workshop was appreciated by all and it helped in honing the skills of the participants.

Undergraduate students learning intubation on a mannequin under guidance from faculty 

Students performing CPR

2. International Breastfeeding and Lactation Workshop- Level 3

The Department of Pediatrics in association with Department of Neonatology and BPNI, Maharashtra organized the Level 3 IBCLC Training Workshop from 11th March, 2019 to 13th March, 2019. This workshop saw an overwhelming response with over 65 registrations. The faculty for this workshop included esteemed faculty from BPNI, Maharashtra and faculty from Department of Pediatrics. The workshop included detailed discussions on a variety of lactation topics.

Photograph 1: The faculty and the delegates for Level 3 workshop;                                                                            Centre (sitting) – Second from left- Dr. Swati Kulkarni (Department of Neonatology), Dr. Mangala Wani, Dr. Radha Ghildiyal (HOD, Pediatrics), Dr. Niranjan Maydeo (HOD, Obstetrics-Gynaecology) and Dr. Prashant Gangal (Coordinator, BPNI, Maharashtra)

3.      Yoga session of parents of autistic children in AIC, UHC Dharavi

Yoga session was conducted on 23rd March 2019 by Dr. Gayatri Gohil for parents of autistic children. It was a 1 hour session attended by 13 parents Various ‘Asana’ for relaxation of mind and exercises for taking care of hypertension, diabetes and back pain were taught. 

4.      Visit by Students of Dr. BMN College to AIC, UHC, Dharavi

On 13th March, 2019, 16 students pursuing the field of Human Development in Dr. BMN College of Home Science, Matunga with their Assistant Professor, visited the Autism Intervention Centre. They were briefed on the functioning of the centre and the various services offered. They were also explained about the different behavioral manifestations in children with autism, and appropriate intervention strategies. The students were interactive and had various queries which were addressed by the therapists.

Team AIC with students from Dr BMN college 

5.      Dr Yashwant Gabhale


1.      Govind Kendre, Yashwant Gabhale, Sujata Sharma. Unusual Case of recurrent severe anaemia and hypoalbuminemia in an infant. Pediatric Oncall. Jan- March 2019;16(1):17-18.


2.       Panelist in the "Role of NGO`s in Service, Education, & Research in field of Palliative Care on 29th March, 2019 at Tata Memorial Hospital. 


Guest lecture

1.     1. “How to Write a Scientific Paper” by Dr. Sandeep Bavdekar, Professor and Ex-Head of Department of Pediatrics, TN Medical College and BYL Nair Hospital, 24 th January -2019, 2.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m., Pediatric Seminar Hall. 
2. “How to Conduct a Journal Club” by Dr. Sandeep Bavdekar, Professor and Ex-Head of Department of Pediatrics, TN Medical College and BYL Nair Hospital, 28th February 2019, 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m., Pediatric Seminar Hall.  

February 2019

1.    Pediatric nutrition workshop, Pedicon-2019

PEDICON-2019 pre-workshop on Pediatric Nutrition was conducted by Department of Pediatrics on 6th February 2019.  The workshop was organized under the guidance of Dr. Radha Ghildiyal, Professor and Head of Pediatric Department and Dr. Alka Jadhav, Professor and In- charge of Pediatric Gastro-enterology and Nutrition Division. 51 participants from all over India consisting of pediatrician and dietician attended this workshop. The program consisted of different types of Pediatric Disease management where Dietary management is of utmost importance. The talks not only included Medical Nutrition Therapy like Diet in Pediatric Oncology but also involved Preventive measures for optimum growth of children like Infant and Young Child Nutrition. Participants were given a kit which included specially created book namely Pediatric Nutrition-A Brief Overview.

                                     Pediatric Nutrition Team

2.    Pediatric GI Endoscopy workshop - PEDICON 2019

The Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Department of Pediatrics, LTMMC, Sion, conducted the Pediatric GI Endoscopy workshop on 6th February. This was probably the first of its kind Live Pediatric Endoscopy Workshop in PEDICON 2019 as well as in Maharashtra A total of four live endoscopy sessions were performed. Interspersed between the live endoscopy were various practical sessions pertaining to GI endoscopy like, GI Radiology (Diagnostic and Interventional), GI Histopathology, Foreign bodies’ removal, and pH studies and manometry. The workshop concluded with Hands on Endoscopy on Simulators, both Upper GI and Colonoscopy for the delegates. Each delegate performed the endoscopy simulation.

                             Pediatric GI endoscopy team

3.    Guest lecture by Ms. Debonnet Serena

The Department of Pediatrics was honoured to organize a Guest lecture by Ms. Debonnet Serena on the 14th of February, 2019. Ms. Debonnet Serena is an esteemed dignitary hailing from Belgium. She is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and the National Coordinator for the BFHI, Belgium. She presented an extremely interesting talk on “Cross border solutions for a variety of breastfeeding cases”. The lecture saw an overwhelming response with faculty from the Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Neonatology attending the same.

                    (Left to right) – Dr. Swati Kulkarni (Department of Neonatology), Ms. Gerda (volunteer working with Ms. Serena), Ms. Debonnet Barbara (sister of Ms. Serena), Ms. Debonnet Serena, Dr. Prashant Gangal (Coordinator, BPNI, Maharashtra), Dr. Radha Ghildiyal (Head, Department of Pediatrics) along with the Lactation Consultants and Mother support group counselors.

4.    First Birthday celebration of ACT clinic

On the occasion of International Childhood Cancer Awareness Day ,Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology celebrated the First Anniversary of  the ACT (After completion of treatment) Clinic in collaboration with Indian Cancer Society (ICS) on 15th February in Pediatric Seminar Hall

                           Team of Pediatric hematology oncology division and Indian cancer society with cancer survivors 

December 2018

Division of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology, Department of Paediatrics – Access Life NGO distributed hygiene kits to children having cancer and also to those who underwent bone marrow transplant. These hygiene kits were very useful for the care of children with febrile neutropenia.

Access Life NGO bag and hygiene kit distribution

Thalassemia Day care centre – 

NSDL (National Securities Depository limited) as a part of their corporate social responsibility initiative are supporting 300 thalassemia children – by giving leukocyte filters for blood transfusion, DEXA scan for evaluation of bone health and MRI for detecting iron overload in heart, liver and pancreas.

From R to L – Dr Sujata Sharma (Associate Prof), Dr Radha Ghildiyal (Prof and Head), Dr Jayashree Mondkar (Dean, LTMMC), Mr Manoj Sathe (Head of Marketing, NSD)

Division of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology, Department of Paediatrics

Christmas celebrations were conducted on 24th December for children admitted in haematology and oncology ward. This event was supported by Cherish Life India Foundation, India with staff from Department of Pediatrics .
Cherish Life Foundation celebrating Christmas with children of haematology oncology ward.

Paediatric Centre of Excellence (PCOE)for children with HIV, Department of Paediatrics Christmas celebrations were conducted in the PCOE. Hygiene kits were distributed to 250 kids. Note books, drawing book, crayons, colour bottles given by Morgan Stanley.

Team PCOE along with Dr Yashwant Gabhale (Associate Prof) and Dr Radha Ghildiyal (Prof and Head)

Autism Intervention Centre, UHC Dharavi 

On 5th January 2019 2nd Anniversary of the AIC was celebrated. There were games for both parents and children.  Dance performances by kids were thoroughly enjoyed. 

Team AIC WITH Dr Mona Gajre (Prof Paeds) and Dr Sushant Sarang (Asst Prof, OT), Mr Vishal Warke (Hi Media Lab Ltd)

Stress Management Program based on MINDFULLNESS for parents of children coming to the Autism Intervention Centre started from 12 January 2019. More than 35 parents were enrolled in this program. This program will be held in 8 sessions for every Saturday. 
Mindfulness meditation done by parents in the AIC

November 2018

Inaugural function of  Teenage and Daughters day 
It was held in the Auditorium at LTMG hospital on 22nd November, 2018 between 1pm to 4pm. The Chief Guest for the programme was Mr. Sunnybhushan Mungekar (Film, Television & Stage Actor). The Guest of Honour was Mr. Rahul Bhandare (Producer - Advait Theatres). Other dignitaries also present were Dr. Hemant Dhusia (Dean-Academic, LTMMC, Sion), Dr. Bela Verma (President IAP Mumbai), Dr Radha Ghildiyal (Professor & HOD Dept. of Pediatric, LTMMC, Sion) along with Dr Yashwant Gabhale Additional Prof of Pediatrics (Organizing Secretary).  Dr. Radha Ghildiyal delivered the welcome address and gave a brief insight of the Teenage & Daughters’ day celebrations. Dr. Yashwant Gabhale gave a brief overview on the various activities conducted during the preceding week at LTMG hospital. Mr Rahul Bhandare, inspired the youth by his dynamic speech. Mr. Sunnybhushan Mungekar motivated the youth to abstain from addictions and lead a healthier life. The programme was followed with a prize distribution ceremony in which certificates were given to all participants & cash prizes were awarded to the winners.

Dignitaries on dais - L-R Dr. Bela Verma, Dr.Radha Ghildiyal, Mr Rahul Bhandare, Mr. Sunnybhushan Mungekar, Dr. Hemant Dhusia

Lighting of Lamp by dignitaries

Lecture taken 
Dr Meeta Vashi, Surveillance Medical Officer, WHO delivered a talk on Measles and Rubella vaccination, as a national program to control measles and congenital Rubella syndrome on 26th November 2018, Pediatric Seminar hall, 2-4 pm 

October 2018

The Teenage day & Daughters’ day celebration: It was celebrated by Department of Pediatrics, Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College & Hospital, Sion in association with Indian Academy of Pediatrics Mumbai Branch. A variety of activities were held from 1st October to 5th October 2018to create awareness on different issues related to Teenagers & Daughter’s.

The themes for this year were as follows:

1.      Teenage Day - “LISTEN TO THEM,  TALK TO THEM’’


The activities were supported by Dr. Radha Gulati Ghildiyal Prof & HOD of Pediatrics & Dr. Yashwant Gabhale, Associate Prof of Pediatrics, who was also the conveyor of the activities & was co-ordinated by Dr. Deep Parekh, Consultant Pediatrician.

The following activities were conducted from 1-5 October 2018 in Pediatric seminar hall, Department of pediatrics, LTMMC and LTMGH

  1. Poster, Graffiti& Collage competition.
  2. Elocution competition, poem & Jingle competition.
  3. Street Play competition.
  4. Essay competition.
Poster – Daughters day 1st Prize 

Street play – Daughters day 

Co-ordinator- Dr Yashwant Gabhale 

3.Rose day celebration – It was organized by Department of Pediatrics and Cancer Patient Aids Association on 16 th October 2018 in Auditorium of LTMMC and LTMGH 

September 2018

Kindly include the following in the special activities session and the pictures with their captions in the gallery.

1.    Poshan Maha Abhyan September 2018

 The department of Pediatrics, LTMMC and LTMGH conducted sessions at Sion Hospital and UHC Dharavi by International Board Certified lactation Consultants, Breastfeeding promotion Network of India, Maharashtra. Children and parents were taught about nutrition, feeding practices with special emphasis on hygiene. Around 70 children participated.

Sunday friends conducted the following activity :

Health Education and interactive sessions were conducted by pediatric residents to the parents and children (100 parents and children) regarding Poshan Abhyan emphasizing care and nutrition of pregnant females, lactating mothers, about breastfeeding, complementary feeding practices.

Samples of various food products were bought to discuss advantage and disadvantage of various food items. Games like snakes and ladders were modified to differentiate and drive in the message of healthy and unhealthy foods.

1.      BPNI Health Talk in Sion Hospital

2.      Health Talk by Dr. Divya at Urban Health Centre, Dharavi

3.      Sunday Friends activity for children at Sion Hospital

4.      Sunday Friends team with Doctors of Sion Hospital

5.      Sunday Friends Team

6.      BPNI Team with Doctors of Sion Hospital at Urban Health Centre, Dharavi

7.      BPNI Health Talk at Urban Health Centre, Dharavi

8.      Poster display at Urban Health Centre, Dharavi

9.      Mothers and children listening eagerly to BPNI Health Talk in Sion Hospital

10.   Various food items at display during Sunday Friends activity at Sion Hospital

11.   Sunday Friends activity at Sion Hospital

Faculty of the IYCN workshop 

1.    Rose day celebration by Cancer patients Aids Association

Goody bags were distributed to cancer patient by the Cancer Patient Aid Association with Head of department of pediatrics, Dr. Radha Ghildiyal and team of Pediatrics Hematology Oncology on 28th September 2018


Rose day celebration by Cancer patients Aids Association – distribution of goody bags 

1.    Infant and Young Child nutrition workshop 

The Department of Paediatrics, Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Hospital held a 3 day workshop from 5-7 September and training program on the Infant and Young Child Nutrition Program (IYCN) for medical professionals including nursing staff. This was an Interdisciplinary workshop with participants from Pediatrics, Neonatology, Community Medicine, Obstetrics, occupational therapy and Dieticians. The Workshop conducted by the Departments of Pediatrics and Neonatology in collaboration with BPNI Maharashtra and UNICEF.

June 2018

  1. Workshop on Basic skills of Pediatric life support for post graduate students was conducted by Pediatric Intensive care division, Department of pediatrics on 8th June 2018 in Pediatric Seminar hall.This equipped the postgraduate residents to offer emergency care and basic life support to any critical child coming to the PICU.
  2. Workshop on “Intensive clinical training in psychological testing” was conducted by D’Souza Foundation supported by Department of Psychiatry. Faculty and staff from Pediatric Neurodevelopmental center and the Autism intervention Centre delivered talk on Psycho-educational test for Learning disability and Autism rating scales. The audience were  clinical psychologists.
  3. Autism Intervention Centre(AIC) conducted a Summer Camp in the month of April2018 for the children enrolled . A series of activities was planned and exercised which includes 1) Yoga 2) Vegetable painting 3) Collage Painting 4) Sapling planting 5) Clay modeling 6) Dancing and so on . The Summer Camp was filled with lots of learning activities, engaging games, socializing and positively reinforcing environment.
  4. Nutritional and Diet camp at Autism Intervention Center Certified nutritionist and dietician along with her team conducted a nutritional and diet camp on 24 April 2018 at AIC (Autism Intervention Centre).It was a learning and knowledgeable session for the parents where each child was assessed and customized plan was given to all parents .Around 18 kids were benefited by the customized diet plan.
  5. Guest Lecture on “Early intervention in Pediatric ENT issues” by Dr Hetal Marphatia, Professor and Head, Department of ENT, Seth G S Medical College was given on 28th June 2016 in Pediatric Seminar hall.

July 2018

  1. Inauguration of new RUTF VFFS packaging machine
    On 17th July 2018, an inauguration of the new RUTF VFFS packaging machine was held in the Urban Health Centre, Dharavi by dignitaries  from Fight Hunger Foundation (FHF): Head of Societe Generale Securities division, India, Head of Dept of fundraising and Manager Communications. The dignitaries interacted with the admitted children and distributed WASH kits.
  2. Vineland Social Maturity Scale (VSMS) training
    On 17/7/2018 Vineland Social Maturity Scale (VSMS) training was conducted by Clinical Psychologist for AIC team members.
  3. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation visit to Nutrition Rehabilitation, Research and Training Centre
    On 18th July 2018, a visit to Nutrition Rehabilitation, Research and Training Centre was organized by UNICEF, India, for the dignitaries from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: Country Director, India Country Office, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, S & P Global and member of board of UNICEF National Committee of US. The dignitaries interacted with OPD and IPD patients and staff of NRRTC. Our NRRTC was projected as a role model of successful public and private sector partnership.
  4. ORS Poem and Jingle Competitions (as a part of the ORS week celebration)
    Poem and Jingle competitions for UGs and PGs held as a part of ORS week celebrations on Wednesday 25th July in Pediatric Seminar Hall. 
  5. Guest Lecture on “When to suspect immunological disorders in children” was delivered by Dr Mukesh Desai, Professor of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Head of Immunology  at Bai Jerabai Wadia hospital for Children on 26th July in Pediatric Seminar hall , LTMGH, Sion 
  6. Training Workshop
    On 27th July 2018, a training workshop was organized by NRRTC to train around 38 Medical officers from Americares and Community Organizers from the NGO SNEHA.
  7. World ORS day
    World ORS day celebrated on Monday 3oth July 2018 by Dept. of Pediatrics in collaboration with Mumbai branch of Indian Academy of Pediatrics. Winners of all competitions held across all colleges throughout the ORS week showcased their performances during the program.
  8. Indian Academy of Pediatrics quiz for Undergraduate and Post-Graduate , the college round was held on 19th and 20th July 2018 in Pediatric Seminar hall, LTMGH 

April 2018

a)    Infant and Young child nutrition training – Level I, II and III workshops with hands on training were conducted for around 50 participants. These were   faculty, post-graduate students, nutritionists, counselors, nurses, working with newborns and children and also having special interest in breastfeeding and lactation counseling. 

b)    Severe acute malnutrition workshop – Training of postgraduate students, nutritionists for evaluation and appropriate management of children with SAM was conducted.

c)    2D ECHO services have been started by the Division of Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics from April 2018 onwards.

January 2018

Autism Intervention Centre First Anniversary Celebrations done on 29th January 2018 at UHC Dharavi – Dr Jayshree Mondkar, Dean, LTMGH addressed to the faculty members and the parents and children with autism. Dr Radha Ghildiyal, Professor and Head, Department of Pediatrics welcomed all guests. Following members attended the function – Dr Mona Gajre, Professor and Incharge AIC, Dr Nilesh Shah, Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry, Dr Rashmi Yeradkar, Head of Occupational Therapy, Dr Arpita Adhikari, Associate professor in Pediatrics, Dr Avinash Desouza, Clinical Advisor of AIC, Dr Sagar Karia, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry.